Thursday, September 22, 2011

Whooah, we're halfway there! Livin' on a prayer!

Well... at least halfway through the first QUARTER.  Does that count?

(I'm going to make this short, because it's just past 8 and I need to go to bed.  No seriously.)

I never thought it'd feel so rewarding to see a child doing work around school... That is, until what happened yesterday.

Seriously, what kind of child HANGS UP THE PHONE when his teacher is using it?!  I was trying to call the office about his behavior and he hung up the receiver...  Like that's going to make you in LESS trouble?!

I know this probably makes it sound like I'm a horrible teacher who has no control over her class, but trust me, it's not the first time something like this has happened with this kid.  But I still can't help but take it kind of personally - like I should be able to control it...

So I know I've been super behind on posting, but that shows you the kind of life I'm living - I'm dead tired all the time.  Maybe I'll write something real about my first (almost) half of my first quarter as a real-life teacher in the next couple of days.  That is, when I'm not preparing progress reports for my kids.

Sidenote: I knew progress reports were being sent out soon, because it's the 4th week of school.  What I WASN'T told (or reminded?  Except I don't remember ever hearing the exact date they were due...) was that they were apparently due TODAY.  At least, until... today.  (Although I'm told it's not a huge deal.)  Stuff like this is just one example of how I'm feeling every day of my life.  "Oh wait, I was supposed to do that?  Oh, I should have been doing that for the past 3 weeks?  In that case, I guess I'll try to catch up on all of it in the next day while ALSO preparing all my plans from scratch."  It's stressful, but I have to keep telling myself it's all worth it.  And I have to BELIEVE the people telling me I'm doing a good job, instead of assuming that everybody is secretly judging me (which I admit is quite hard for me).

And with that, I bid thee adieu and good night!

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