Friday, September 2, 2011

Miss Jones was tired. Miss Jones waaaassssss!

I will forever (or, at least for the next few days) have the Schoolhouse Rock song about subjects/predicates stuck in my head.  And it doesn't help that my grade level teachers keep bringing it up and changing the lyrics.  Hence, the title for this post.  But it's such a catchy tune!

So my first FULL week as an official teacher is officially... OVER!  At least in terms of the "teaching" part of it.  But I've had so much going on that I'm ALREADY behind on grading, not to mention I need to find a better way of organizing all my JUNK (I mean, my lovely paperwork and assignments)... PLUS, I'm seriously overdue for a severe overhaul of my apartment... Coming home and dropping stuff off by the door in the living room has not resulted in my putting it away - rather I now merely step over all the random crap to get to the door in the morning.

In terms of my confidence compared to the previous post... Let's say *slightly* improved?  Or was, before this afternoon.  There is this ONE boy, I swear it takes everything in my power not to yell at or just give up.  I think that, in addition to waking up super early and not being able to sleep as well last night, made me so exhausted.  I wasn't even thinking about how stressed out I should be (although that's a rare moment in time for me) and I started (you guessed it) breaking down.  I think it was just that "you have so many emotions and you have so many things to think about, but you're thinking about everything and nothing at the same time and you don't know what to do so your body freaks out" kind of things... But my grade level head happened to come into my classroom and noticed, and she walked me through some things.  So now I feel a little better.  Granted, I'm JUST as overwhelmed as I have been, but now it's more an "I have so much that I have to do before Tuesday" kind of feeling, as opposed to "I have no clue what's going on next week" kind of feeling.

So I'm doing it.  I'm a teacher - I have a CAREER.  Now let's just hope that I can make it through the other 40 or so weeks, and then some.

On a side note:  props to Schoolhouse Rock for their gender roles!  Mr. Morton was made way back in 1993, and there's a woman proposing. :)

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