Tuesday, September 6, 2011

We're not in Kansas anymore...

So today started out like nothing I could have imagined... I was on my way to school, and had to stop by the grocery store to pick up treats for the kids.  And what do they tell me then?  There's a TORNADO that's touched down nearby, and it's headed in our direction!  I bought my snacks, and headed back to school.  Luckily, it was only another 5 minutes or so before I got there.  I entered the building, only to see a group of kids sitting against the wall, and all of the teachers in the hallway.  What's even crazier is that these kids didn't go to Greenwood - they weren't even in elementary school.  ALL of the buses had been informed of the tornado warning, and were required to pull over to the side of the road.  This particular bus was near my school, so they brought those kids into the building to keep them safe in case something did happen.

Once the tornado warning was over (which only took about 10 minutes or so), those kids left and our kids started coming in.  Mind you, I hadn't stepped foot into my room at that point.  My computer wasn't on, and of COURSE today was my day to take the 5th grade early arrivals.  Then, once my computer (finally) turned on, I couldn't open the folder for the video they were going to watch.

Once school actually started, most of the buses still hadn't shown up - I only had about 5 kids for the first 20 minutes or so.  Then things went relatively smoothly.  Until there was ANOTHER tornado warning.  We did the whole "line up against the wall covering your heads" thing, and the kids handled themselves quite well.  But of course the lunch schedule was messed up, which pushed back the specials schedule and the recess (indoor, of course) schedule.  By the time the kids cleaned up from recess, there was only about 20-30 minutes left before we had to pack up, so the entire last part of the day was a wash.

The crazy thing is, this hadn't EVER happened in almost 15 years (at least).  Having a tornado warning with the entirety of Lee County schools on buses???  Thank goodness there wasn't any real danger in the area, at least.

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