Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Top 10 Ways to (Not) Ruin the First Day of 5th Grade

The title for this post is inspired by a children's book I found while browsing online the other day.  (It's called "The Top 10 Ways to Ruin the First Day of 5th Grade" for those of you who care.)  Lucky for me my first day of teaching went off, somewhat to my surprise, with little to no issues.  Sure, there were the typical things that always happen when you work in education.  A kid decides they don't feel like doing the assignment you gave them, another needs your help because he's struggling to even READ the handout you gave the class, students decide to tell you at the LAST MINUTE that they aren't sure how they're getting home (Both problems which were resolved fairly quickly, thankfully).  A kid is a fairly constant distraction because he sneaked a Red Bull behind his dad's back this morning.  (Yeah - a 10 year old hopped up on ridiculous amounts of caffeine and sugar... You do the math.) You know, stuff like that.

And I can only say one thing for certain.  I am dead. tired.

Even though I had trouble sleeping (You know the whole "butterflies, nausea, freakout" that sometimes happens?  It hit me like a ton of bricks at about 11 pm when I was trying to fall asleep.) I woke up and got to school at 6:45 on the nose.  Yes, 6:45 AM.  For those individuals who think "Teachers get to leave their job at 3 o'clock, why should they complain?",  it doesn't happen.  12-hour days are a regular occurrence and, although today didn't quite hit that mark, it was close.  But when all was said and done, 10 1/2 hours later, I can officially say that I got through the first day of school unscathed.

And honestly, I was fine the entire day.  Until they had us go to the library for a staff meeting, that is.  Just the act of sitting, then standing 30 minutes later made me realized how utterly EXHAUSTED I was.  So for now, I bid thee farewell, eat dinner, soak my feet, run through everything for tomorrow one (or 2) last time, and sleep.  I'm just thankful that everybody got home at the end of the day and that this didn't happen:

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