Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 0

So I finally did it - I made a blog.

It seems like throughout my entire time as an education major, they've been talking non-stop about how we need to embrace technology in the clssroom.  Blogs, wikis, Skype, wordles... you name it, I've learned about it!  But honestly, I never truly embraced this whole "technology" thing.  I think it might have been just a little too overwhelming for me as a student teacher.  There were too many options - too many GREAT ideas for me to wrap my mind around.  Too many unexplored avenues.  It was all great in theory, but putting it into place?  I was just trying to survive the REST of student teaching.

So of course, where do I end up spending my first year as a teacher but in a county with seemingly ENDLESS ideas about technology?  I mean, every student in my classroom has their OWN laptop!  I couldn't even imagine that when I was in school!  So I've decided to try to turn over a new leaf.  I will embrace technology, both in and out of the classroom.  And that starts here.

I don't know who else remembers reading "From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler" but I remember it as one of my favorites growing up.  And thinking about it, it's all about a girl who runs away with her brother to go on an adventure.  And while I'm living by myself, and I certainly didn't run away from anything, the idea of going on an adventure full of suspense, uncertainty, and excitement (and a certain lack of money) fits quite well with what I'm sure will be a fun and STRESSFUL year.

It's already been a whirlwind few weeks - I've been at teacher workdays since last week... which means meetings, meetings, and more meetings, all while trying to prepare my classroom and myself for what's about to happen.  But I'm ready (I think).  And I'm going to embrace this year, just like I'm embracing this blog.  And I'll try and keep this up to date... You know, when I'm not at school, writing lesson plans, grading papers, or trying to catch up on sleep.

So here goes.  Tomorrow marks the first official day: Day 1.

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